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Showing posts from 2011

Money making resource for stay at home moms

A stay at home mom earn money resource list can be vital for those interested in living off one income in a two income society. If you’re interested in spending less and earning more, it’s time to sit down and really get to the heart of the three critical steps one must take to live frugally and be a stay at home mom earn money. Though most moms would assume that in order to stay home with the kids without sacrificing the good things in life they would need to immediately start earning money at home, the first step is actually to spend less money. There are two main ways to do this: reduce your regular expenses, and stretch your disposable income dollar. Reducing your expenses can be as simple as calling around to check out better insurance rates, starting a family budget, or eliminating an unused gym membership. Its important to go through each and every one of your bills and see if there is any room for monetary improvement. Do you really need the premium cable package? H