
3 Simple Ways To Make Money Online

The internet is a wonderful thing and many people would struggle to live without it in the 21st century; not to mention all of the businesses that wouldn’t be able to trade without it. We tend to use the internet for a lot of things these days; for finding out information, to keep in contact with friends and family and sometimes just for entertainment but it can also be used to make a bit of money on the side.

I’m sure all of us would snap up the chance to earn a bit more money if we had it presented to us but I’m here to tell you it has been in front of your eyes all along. There are many ways to make money online but here are three of the simplest.
Writing Reviews –

There are plenty of sites online that will pay you to write reviews that will then be placed on their website. Every company wants their products to be reviewed positively as this will ultimately increase sales and you can take advantage of this by offering your skills. You don’t even need to be a particularly good writer either, just chose to review something that you are interested in and then let your passion take over.
You will earn money per review which can then be paid to you in the form of Amazon vouchers or a cheque if you accumulate enough. It doesn’t just stop at products either; there are many other things to be reviewed like hotels, shops and restaurants.

Blogging –

According to recent statistics, there are over 2 million blog posts written everyday which just goes to show the power that blogging online now has. When it first started blogging was just a way to write about your passions and hobbies and post it online but now it is much more than that and can be a viable way of making some extra cash.

If you build up enough of a following then companies will pay you big money to advertise on your blog because they know they will be reaching large audiences. You can also charge businesses a fee in order for you to write a blog post on your site that sponsors one of their products or services to help them spread the word.
Sponsored Tweeting –

Do you feel like you are a big deal on social media sites such as Twitter? Well why not start making a bit of money just for tweeting to your many followers. gives you the opportunity to state exactly how much you want to charge per tweet and what you want to tweet about. All you have to do then is sit and wait for companies to contact you to tweet on their behalf.

Businesses know that Twitter allows you to reach a wide and varied audience almost instantly and therefore they will be willing to pay to have someone promote them through this platform. The good news also is that you can control the final wording of the tweet so you don’t end up having to tweet anything that you don’t agree with.
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Chris Mayhew works for internet marketing company Marketing By Web who do SEO in Bristol and has seen first hanmd how people can make money over the internet. He has experience in SEO, social media management and blogging which can all help you earn a significant income.

Benefits Of Facebook For Small Business Online

Mark Zuckerberg's Facebook has greatly changed the communication among individuals and even on the marketing side. As the number one social network site in the world, Facebook is steadfastly growing bunking on the ever-growing popularity of virtual communication that encompasses personal, business and corporative relationships.

While Facebook may have turned the world upside down and partly affected how people perceive the effectiveness of personal communication, these are also the factors that have made it the new "it" thing in marketing. And for some - albeit, debate for its potentiality and security - the new online shopping tool.
These are positive factors that can be taken as advantages for companies who want to step up customer relations and social market viability of their products on Facebook.

There are three advantages to the way Facebook has changed company-customer relations:

The Emerging Social Shopping Trends:

Social shopping is an emerging trend. People already use to do it. Women go shopping together or they gather around in coffee shops and talk about their latest finds and buys. They compare prices and check out shops that sell the most affordable products. Only today, this practice has gone social and many people are obviously caught up with this.While Facebook is not a social shopping network, its users are predominantly online people. They log in to Facebook to share their thoughts on the most mundane things. It includes their new gadgets or products and what store did they buy them. They share to their friends what they love about a particular store or what pissed them off. That's free advertising and indirect product recommendation.
And almost always, Facebook friends buy what their friends are buying.

Facebook as a Customer Support Tool:

Customers who like a particular product or company support always find them to like a product or company page. Some customers even use company or product Facebook pages to post inquiries, issues and problems.If a company is quick to reply, the customer friends and other followers will be able to see the efficiency and excellent support of the company.

The Social Network Attitude:

While review sites are still the most reliable sites for most consumers in belting out their complaints or impressive reviews, it cannot be discounted that Facebook users also post their concerns or opinions regarding certain products. If a company or a product has impressed a customer immensely, it's certain that the customer is going to rave about the product for days - complete with pictures and anecdotes regarding her latest finds, be it a new Kindle or Be Present Capri pants. The more social media presence there is for a company, the more it can access its customers and potential customers in the social media. Tapping millions of Facebook membership for product marketing and sales is not an easy feat, though. Company will need to use effective tools in order to catch the attention of Facebook users and direct them to particular products. But, the gains are worth exerting efforts for. Facebook users are the most potentially active online customers who spend great amount of time browsing the net, checking new products and trends. And if they're impressed enough, they spend for products online.
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Justin Hernandez. He is a owner of Zinzz Chat Network. Full time web entreprenuer and Social Media Blogger. Follow him at @JustinNY.

Sales Hacks- 5 Ways To Tidy Your Business For 2013

Sales Hacks- 5 ways to tidy your business for 2013

  1. 1.       Spring Clean
Removing deadweight can lift your productivity, whether it’s old stock that won’t sell, antiquated sales techniques that no longer apply, or thinning out the sales line. Fewer but better always beats more yet shoddy. Doing something as basic as clearing your computer system of unnecessary items will naturally make you feel more efficient, simply by getting rid of clutter.
  1. 2.       Be brave
Why not? Success in this game is only for those who move with the times and stay current. No one is saying gamble on a blind hunch, but by taking intuitive decisions to alter things in favour of a new approach, you can modernise without causing a catastrophe. Playing it safe is not the worst thing in the world, but it means you will never excel. If mediocre, run of the mill is your aim then no problem- but he who dares wins.
  1. 3.       Square pegs in round holes
So we come to people management. Owning your own business and dealing with staff falls under the same category as a commission based sales rep dealing with customers. No one wants to be treated as a statistic. You don’t want to feel like the 100th person on a list, a chore to get through. Expecting your workforce to yield a standard output without considering individual factors will not benefit in the long run. A personalised approach takes more effort, granted, but the advantages are evident.
  1. 4.       The Sales Robot
Why are you bombarding information upon the unsuspecting public? Droning out the same script of why this particular product will change their lives will leave you (and by association your product) jaded with no real results. Get out there and speak with people, not at them. Find out what it is they want and they will respond better than you telling them what they need.
  1. 5.       The SACI Principle
SACI stands for Simple Actions, Consistently Implemented. Client relations are of course a big part of a business, but how often do you check back on existing customers to see if they’re still satisfied?  Do you have blogs, and if so are they published on a weekly basis?  These practises we all know about, but doing them is often a different story. You don’t have to move the earth to get better results, just look after the little things. Success is built on the back of many small achievements, not one huge one.

hannah Brankin has developped over years a whole set of management skills that has helped her kept her business in an efficient and productive way. She now writes about strategies in business development.


Tips For Starting A Website

So you may have already decided to take the plunge and are looking on starting a website.  You already have your domain, web host, chosen platform, and all the other stuff you practically need to start it with.  Many try to create their own website, but only a percentage of those people succeed into making a solid mark in the industry.  How do they exactly do it?

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First, you may have already had a blogging platform or tool to use.  Let’s say WordPress.  Now, when you install it on your site, it has its own default theme.  Don’t get the me wrong, the theme looks good somehow, but your site definitely must have its own uniqueness with the design.  So whether you hire a professional web designer or you do the designing yourself, it is a must to change your site’s design.  Make it more like you, or better yet be creative enough to let the design be related to what your website’s all about.  We don’t want cartoon characters in a blog about cars, would we?  

Next, you really have to remember to make time to focus on fixing your blog.  You personalize everything, add a logo maybe, complete articles to put up to it (you definitely would not want it blank), put tags, keywords and all that stuff.  It’s time consuming, I know.  But it would definitely be worth it.  Don’t you think successful bloggers and website owners also put their time and effort for their blogs to begin with?

Now after the design, there goes the plugins to be used.  You have to know what exactly your website will need.  There are themes with built-in plugins installed with them, but every single blog has its own necessity, and therefore its own variety of plugins.  Would your site be focusing with social media?  Then you have to add plugins related to that.

If you have hired a website professional to do the design for you, make sure he/she also can be contacted for any problems with your site.  Because anytime these things arise, your potential visitors may stop visiting you.  Also if you yourself have your own queries about your site, you should definitely be able to clear them up by going around forums and other sites to look for answers.  Let Google be your best friend.

Now everything is complete with your site, check everything if they’re in the right place.  Never miss a detail when doing this.  You should know what a visitor feels when he/she suddenly get bugged by something wrong with a website he/she’s visiting, of course, the initial reaction would be – bye! 

Now let’s go to the serious part.  You definitely want to keep the visitors coming back.  You have to have unique articles people will enjoy reading.  You have to be creative but still right on your topic.  You should already have few things in mind while doing this website, or else you would have a beautiful site, with nothing in it.

If there are also things you cannot fully comprehend about your site just yet, either do not do it yet.  Let the first few days of your launch be a smooth ride.  And once everything goes into its place, do the complex stuff you left behind.

What I’ve listed above are just some tips though.  Every single blogger all started their own website from scratch, and though each and every successful one created their own journey, they only have one common thing – focus.  So get focused, and you’ll have your website in no time. 

This was a guest post written by - How To Start A Blog.  There is a plethera of information on starting your own website on my website.


Home Business Marketing Tips For The Real World

With the internet being in everyone's face nowadays, when many home based business people think of marketing they think of guest blogging, LinkedIn, Facebook pages, email campaigns, Youtube videos and click ads. But for many work at home businesses the best customers and the best ways to get them are right in their home town. With a bit of planning, elbow grease and talking you can find new customers without touching your computer.

Working With Charities

No matter your business, donating time, money, or your expertise to local charities, sports teams and schools are great for publicity.If you makes crafts, you can donate some of your products to a charity auction or for a contest. Your name will be prominently displayed as helping your community, and your product will be seen in your community.  

Donating your services are also quite useful, either completely free or at cost. Whether you design the charities website, mow their lawn, or help plan and prepare a banquet, the charity will publicly thank you, and you can get a nice testimonial out of it.

Even if you don't have a product or service the charity or community group can use, simply donating money, will almost always get you a nice little plaque and a nice mention on a website and at some of the events.
Showing community spirit and letting people know how nice you are, will always look good.

Networking Around Town

Is there a local Toastmasters, business association, writing group, charity, or hobby club that you are somewhat interested in? 

Join them.
Working from home can be isolating, so getting out and meeting people will keep you from feeling all alone, more importantly by making connections in real life, you are creating strong bonds that can lead to business. Even if a group doesn't seem like it will be good for your business, the people in it know other people who may need you. 

Don't join a group if you'll just be sitting there bored out of your skull, and don't join a group simply to sell your product. Show genuine interest, build up contacts, and casually bring up your business when people ask what you do.

Free Classes and Seminars

This will require work and you have to do it well, but offering free courses in your area of expertise can be one of the best ways to get business. Using your new community network, community bulletin boards, some internet advertising and even fliers, let people know you are offering a free one day class. Make sure to keep track of how many people should be coming by having them phone or preferably emailing you, and ensure you have access to a large enough room with all the necessary facilities.

This will cost you money, unless you can get a room and all the equipment for free, and you have to prepare very carefully, so don't rush into this or it will be a disaster. But you have people who are really interested in what you have to say as a captive audience, if you're prepared you can sell them anything. And even if you only get 2 or 3 people when you were expecting 50, roll with it, make the class more intimate, and make sure that handful of people will tell everyone they know how great you are.

These three methods are some of the best ways to get clients, get recognition and get money for your business within your community. Remember there is a world outside of your computer, and it's full of people waiting to hire you and buy your product. All you have to do is let them know your there.

Dan Clarke is a personal coach with a passion for helping people who work from home, whether they're simply telecommuting or have their own home business. With three of his own at home businesses he has found many ways to balance his working life and his home life, allowing him to support and enjoy time with his family.

Find out more at his website,  Be Happy Working at Home.


Leadership Team Building

In order to be an effective leader you have to have people to lead and these need to be the right people. Team building is important and so your ability to recruit either externally or internally is essential if you are going to be able to show off your true leadership skills.

Always try to look internally when you are putting a team together; look at those who you know have been active in developing their skills and those that have been willing to take on responsibility. People who have shown loyalty to the company and have put in effort to succeed are likely to be ideal candidates.

As a leader you are probably involved with several external organizations or professional communities. You will have built up a good relationship with many and will have been impressed with some. These external places are a terrific source for recruitment purposes. You already have a good understanding of a person, know what they do and have built up an element of trust. Make a note of those that interest you and make sure you have their contact details. When a vacancy occurs to build up your team you already have a supply of people you can make contact with.
Build up your own reputation of having good leadership skills. You will be surprised about how a reputation can get around. It can mean that the best people would like to work with you.

Importantly don’t build up your team full of like minded people; it won’t work. While a team has to work together, it is the different skills that each team member has that makes a team successful. Each member of your team should complement each other and have different abilities, strengths and weaknesses. It’s for you as the leader to get the best out of each person.

If you do have to recruit externally and can’t find someone with whom you have a connection or who comes recommended then you have no alternative than to start blind, so to speak. Take time to review each candidates CV carefully and make copious notes for you to refer to at the interview stage.

Try to interview with two people present. While it may appear a little daunting to the candidate it provides each interviewer with thinking time. There will always be plenty of questions to ask and you need to keep the interview flowing. You are meant to create pressure for the candidate to see how he or she behaves. You have very little time to get to know them and you can be sure that what you see isn’t going to be exactly what you get.

Make a shortlist of suitable candidates and call them back in again. It’s important to meet at least twice before hiring someone. Make sure you are clear as to what you expect from them and show clearly that you are leader and decision maker.

Above all, don’t rush into making a decision about which person to choose. It you are not happy with the selection then wait until the right person turns up.

Find out more information at


Money making resource for stay at home moms

A stay at home mom earn money resource list can be vital for those interested in living off one income in a two income society. If you’re interested in spending less and earning more, it’s time to sit down and really get to the heart of the three critical steps one must take to live frugally and be a stay at home mom earn money.

Though most moms would assume that in order to stay home with the kids without sacrificing the good things in life they would need to immediately start earning money at home, the first step is actually to spend less money. There are two main ways to do this: reduce your regular expenses, and stretch your disposable income dollar.

Reducing your expenses can be as simple as calling around to check out better insurance rates, starting a family budget, or eliminating an unused gym membership. Its important to go through each and every one of your bills and see if there is any room for monetary improvement. Do you really need the premium cable package? How about a landline telephone? Make it a goal to cut down your regular expenses by 10% overall.

And don’t stop there! Be a stay at home mom earn money master by stretching your disposable income dollar. Using coupons, most moms can save 20-80% on their food and toiletry bills. (I’ve actually gotten paid to take items out of the store before using coupons!) Additionally, there are ways to spend less than half for all your entertainment activities, babysitting, family vacations, and more. With a little creativity, you can enjoy all the fun things in life for a lot less money than you think!

As you can see, the most valuable way to be a stay at home mom earn money maven is actually to need less money! But, of course, there is certainly value to be had in supplementing your income as well.

The real key to stay at home mom earn money success is to find something to do to supplement your income that you are passionate about. It can be selling products at home parties, starting a content based website, opening a home daycare, or selling on eBay. There is not one right fit for every mom.

But for those moms “in the know”, life at home can be very good indeed.

Rayven Perkins spent more than 10 years finding and implementing unique cost-cutting strategies that allow her family to live comfortably off one income in a two-income society. Visit her site to learn how to stretch your dollar, easiest ways to save money and supplement income in order to stay at home mom.

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