
Make Money From Blogging

You can make money from blogging. It can pay for your bills. It does work for everyone. There’s no secret and you’ll just really need to know how to get started and which blogging framework to follow. It took me lot of time to write this post as I wanted to give you the best. I hope you will be able to get the best out from this list.

  • Google adsense
  • Chitika
  • Bidvertiser
  • Widget bucks
  • LinkWorth
  • Yahoo publisher network.
  • Vibrant Media
  • Crsip Ads
  • Value Click Media
  • Ad genta
  • Tribal Fusion
  • Industry Brains

Make money from your RSS feed. You can link your feedburner account with adsense and start earning money through clicks generated from your feed. Blogging is one of those “cheap hobbies” that turned me into an accidental entrepreneur. It’s work that I find enjoyable, that is sufficiently challenging, that allows me to keep learning and expanding my knowledge in so many ways (and not just in the area of finance). It’s something that I can actually earn money from while affording me the ability to set my own hours and work on my own terms. What more can you ask for in a "job"?

The "Pay per Post" or Get Paid to Blog Route:

This is rather simple. Set up multiple niche blogs on either your own domains or free blog hosts like Blogger. Maintain them over a period of time and focus on writing content and building up their Google PageRank, link profile and Alexa Rank.
Submit all of your blogs to multiple get paid to blog websites like Blogitive, Blogsvertise, Review Me, Sponsored Reviews, PayperPost, Loud Launch and then start writing sponsored posts. I highly recommend using PayperPost as they simply have the largest amount of paid offers available.

Affiliate Networks:

My Favorite affiliate network and without a doubt the best in the business. Pays for leads, sales, clicks and they were the company invented most technologies related to affiliate marketing.

Email Newsletters:

These are becom ing extremely pop u lar. The pur pose of the email newslet ter is to build up a mail ing list of email addresses and then use the emails you send to drive traf fic, sales, or income in a vari ety of ways. Cre ativ ity is the best way to use this rev enue source. Addi tion ally it is impor tant to start build ing your email list as soon as pos si ble. But be warned that most newslet ter ser vices of any value cost money.

Selling or Renting a Single Page:

Doing this is dif fi cult but far to under-utilized. The process invovles build ing a great blog with good traf fic and espe cially good pagerank and then sell ing inter nal pages/posts to any one will ing to pay. They get a sales page or what ever on a great blog and you get an income >

Sell Banner Ads

That is another easy way to create income from your blog. First, you can advertise on your blog that you are selling advertising space at your blog. Put up the rate card for each kinds of banner. You could charge the highest rate at the top of your homepage, and less expensive for other locations on your blog like lower part of your blog or the sidebar.

Traffic Equals Money:

Through these methods, you can make a full time income blogging. Have you noticed though, that every method required one vital thing: traffic. Without quality traffic you fall flat as a blogger.This is why I recommend the 365 K Blog Traffic formulas. It is a program that combines the advice and techniques of of the most popular and richest bloggers around. The result: a huge amount of traffic for your blog which leads to a huge amount of money.

Selling your blog:

This is a good way to make money especially when there are recent reports of some blogs being sold for a price tag of over one million dollars.It is obvious that you should have a high quality blog site if you are to sell it for a good price. That is why I prefer keeping them once they reach that status. If you wish to sell your blog once it reaches a certain level, you can put it for sale at Digital point forum or at sitepoint market place.I will keep adding new online money making methods to this list whenever I find good opportunities. You can share your experiences in the comments field. If your money making method deserves a place at the main article body, I will not hesitate to add it with a link to your blog.

Once you have a loyal audience, making money from your website or blog should be the easy bit! I hope that this list inspires you to be more creative and helps you create multiple revenue streams from your valuable content.

About Author:

Writes about money maker ideas. To know more about Making Money Easy, visit


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Tim said...

Great resources. An alternative resource is where website owners and bloggers can make money publishing static text links on websites and internal pages as well as contextual links within content like articles and blog posts on their sites. Also publishing sponsored articles and writing reviews is possible.

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Blogger said...

Are you trying to make money from your visitors via popup advertisments?
In case you do, have you considered using Propeller Ads?

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